General retail facilities encompass everything from large big-box stores and shopping malls to smaller neighborhood grocery centers and single-tenant pad users. In addition to the overall civil engineering issues that come with every retail development, the primary element that’s common to all these facilities is the need for extensive parking lots and the challenges of ensuring safe circulation for automobiles and pedestrians. K2 has extensive experience working through the numerous design and entitlement challenges associated with this type of development, including retrofitting older facilities to meet new regulatory requirements.
General retail facilities encompass everything from large big-box stores and shopping malls to smaller neighborhood grocery centers and single-tenant pad users. In addition to the overall civil engineering issues that come with every retail development, the primary element that’s common to all these facilities is the need for extensive parking lots and the challenges of ensuring safe circulation for automobiles and pedestrians. K2 has extensive experience working through the numerous design and entitlement challenges associated with this type of development, including retrofitting older facilities to meet new regulatory requirements.